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  • Call our surgery01883 341306

Happy Pet Club

Our healthcare plan designed to save you money in Caterham

Our Happy Pet Club is a pet healthcare plan designed to save you money on your pet’s routine healthcare, and spread the cost throughout the year as budgeted monthly payments. Joining is easy: just complete a simple form which is available from the practice.

Benefits Include:

  • Annual vaccination
  • Kennel cough vaccination included
  • 50% discount off microchipping
  • 50% discount off puppy and kitten vaccinations
  • Nail clipping with nurse
  • 10% discount off pet products and medication
  • 10% discount off neutering
  • Protection against fleas and ticks
  • Protection against intestinal worms and lungworm

Monthly Prices

Dog (<25kg) £16.50
Dog (25-40kg) £18.50
Dog (>40kg) £21.50
Cat £14.50
Rabbit £12.00


Please phone 01883 341306 or contact the surgery for more details.